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Love is

Nkunzi Karugire

Some days the only motivation to keep going through the day is that it will soon come to an end. You may feel sad, angry, jealous or anxious but one of the things that always lifts me out of the depths of these emotions are intentional kind words. When I’m in this sort of funk, kind words are like a drop of water on a dying flower. They revive me. Proverbs 16:24 (NIV) puts it like this; “Gracious words are a honeycomb sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Kind words have had a humongous impact on my life…so who’s to say my words shouldn’t have an impact on the lives of others?

I’ve made it a goal to be kind to the people around me, and now I bear the fruits of it just like Proverbs 11:17 (NIV) says: “Those who are kind benefit themselves, but the cruel bring ruin on themselves”

Here are some benefits of being kind to others:

In being kind people will trust you and want to be around you.

In being kind you are more likeable.

In being kind you have better relationships with the people around you.

Being kind turns people away from anger.

But it would be quite selfish to say that I work on being kind to reap these personal benefits and score some extra social points. The main reason I try to be intentionally nice is because it serves God. As Christians we are representatives of His Kingdom on earth so it is our duty to represent Him. Colossians 3:12 (NIV) says “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” It is our job to make Christianity appealing because who would want to know God if all the people who follow Him just happen to be bitter? In being kind we put forward the true reputation of God; unexplainable kindness.

So how do we take on the challenge of being kind to everyone around us? It took me a while to get the hang of it, but eventually God got me there. Just like with anything else you want to overcome, you must be intentional about what you want to achieve. Firstly, kindness is in connection to love… “love is kind”. I came across the famous verse Corinthians 13:4-8 which describes love. I simplified it into a form that I could remember and reflect on everyday. My list went like this:

Love is:



Does not envy

Does not boast

Is not proud is not rude

Is not self-seeking

Is not easily angered

Keeps no record of wrongs

Does not delight in evil

Rejoices in the Truth

Always protects

Always trusts

Always hopes

Never fails.

As I’ve mentioned before, I truly believe that whatever sort of media you’re feeding your mind will affect you drastically. Reading this everyday for a while has definitely influenced the way I treat others around me. But as usual I couldn’t transform my lifestyle on my own; I turned to God and asked him for guidance, direction and transformation. I prayed frankly to Him and asked for Him to show me how to love others. I made a huge effort to think before I spoke, to be conscious about the way I communicate to others, and even the things I say when they aren’t around.

Since then the Holy Spirit has prompted my heart when I’m about to say something out of line, or when I need to remove myself from a situation. I hope this piece inspires you to be intentional about being loving and kind. I pray it shows you that we are the ambassadors of heaven and need to step up and represent our Home. And as always, I hope it gives a new perspective that will stick with you. Clothe yourself with love and act in kindness.


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Apr 01, 2022

How beautifully written Nganzi🙏🏾Indeed the greatest of these is Love. Thank you for being intentional about kindness, the world needs so much more of that today. And thank you for encouraging us to do the same♥️


Excellent piece 💯👌

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