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Writer's pictureKendagaano Rwabwogo


“ ‘Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the Lord your God.’ ” Leviticus 26:1 (NIV)

The Bible often talks about idols and the wrath of God associated with worshipping them. Time and time again we see God’s disgust and anger towards the building and adoration of idols and although they are prominently displayed as expensive inanimate objects in the Bible there are plenty of modern-day idols too.

These days, idols creep into our lives - silently growing, festering and getting wildly out of control - many people don’t realise that they are living as slaves to their idols. Many a time I thought I’d been making a decision “for me” because I enjoyed doing something, I didn’t realise that these excuses were justifying my idolatry and inability to make the choice I knew was right. I’m not sure how many people struggle with this, but for me, it’s sometimes hard to just be honest with myself. I never want to admit that I’ve let something go too far or that I’ve been neglecting God because I’m putting something else first. It's much easier to sweep it under the rug and deal with it later - only later hardly ever comes. Luckily, the Holy Spirit won’t let it go. Until you address and tear down your idols, things will never change.

A misconception I used to have was that idols were physical, tangible things that were set up in someone’s home and worshipped like gods. This is just one kind of idol. In reality, anything can become an idol. Anything that takes priority over God in your life, as insignificant as it may seem, must be put back in its rightful place. Your career, friends, social media and even little things like food and comfort if unchecked can become sinister. I know it’s hard to hear, especially when you've been doing something for so long that you don't even know how to function without it. The sad thing is that sometimes we end up idolising things that aren't necessarily bad or wrong to begin with, but our love of and obsession with these things turns them into something they shouldn’t be. Even good things can get out of hand and things you love can become a threat. Matthew 5:29(NIV) says, If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.” I used to really idolise people. If my friends wanted me to do something that I knew contradicted my morals, I would put my conscience aside for their sake. People became like gods to me, dictating what I could and couldn’t do. Even though I had my own values and beliefs, despite the palpable promptings of the Holy Spirit, I persisted in doing wrong because I didn't want to disappoint people.

Don’t allow earthly things to cause you to become stagnant and keep you in sin. It’s difficult to see beyond this life sometimes because mundane struggles seem like all there is but as believers, we are privy to a life-changing truth. This life is but a vapour compared to the wonders of Heaven and the Light of God that we will experience. We shouldn't get too hung up and bound by earthly temptations because they are but a small price to pay for the future. Idols can only provide a momentary high, it feels so good to indulge in something but at the end of it, you will only find emptiness. Don’t trade eternal life with your Saviour for trinkets - even though it's hard to keep your eyes on the prize, keep aiming to please God. Nothing and nobody else. The good news is you don't have to do it alone! God is ready and more than willing to help you and, frankly, if you think you can single-handedly free yourself from the bondage of idolatry you are sadly mistaken. The LORD wants you to lean on Him as you make the transition to serving Him with every fibre in your being. Turn to God to help you declutter your heart from the influence of any idols you may have and turn over a new leaf with Him. He will always catch you when you fall.


6 commentaires

Mshukuru Kaheru
Mshukuru Kaheru
27 févr. 2022



14 févr. 2022

This is a great message that we all need to hear again & again🙏🏾🙏🏾May God empower us to not allow idols big or small to creep into our hearts. May He always occupy the first place in our hearts. Thank you Nganzi♥️

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Is a rosary an Idol? I just need guidance about it?


Abigail Kenganzi
Abigail Kenganzi
13 févr. 2022

Such a well put message Kiki 😊, its very true; many times I find myself failing to admit something has gone too far, I even sometimes procrastinate praying and let my idol take over. However like you said when we think we can sweep it under the rag and deal with it "later". Later never comes, but like you said the Holy Spirit doesn't want to let a soul go, which is why it is extremely important that we ask our Father, to declutter our hearts. Transform us through the renewing of our minds, that we may rely on him, "for if God doesn't breathe out we don't breathe in".


11 févr. 2022

So eye opening 🤩

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